Use Get-Disk to identify your USB drive (look for the Friendly Name and Total Size columns, for example, and then note the Number of your USB drive).

You can use the following PowerShell commands to prepare your USB drive: Basically, you need a USB drive with a FAT32 file system 1 and an active partition. The following method works without external tools and it works with image files that are larger than 4 GB. Copy all the files from the Windows 10 isO to the USB Stick.Assign (Assigns the USB drive a drive letter).FAT32 is needed instead of NTFS so that it can load under the secure boot UEFI BIOS.) Format FS=fat32 quick (Formats the partition with the FAT32 file system.Active (Sets the selected partition to an active valid system partition state).Select Partition 1 (Focus on the newly created partition).Create Partition Primary (Creates a new primary partition with default parameters).Clean (removes any partitions on the USB disk, including any hidden sectors).Select Disk # (Where # is the number of your USB disk).This bootable USB stick will work for both older BIOS installs as well as the newer UEFI installs.

The 11 steps for manually preparing / building a USB Disk to be a bootable Win 10 Install.